I am a passionate and result-driven Software Engineer with experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining scalable and robust full-stack applications.

Recently, I co-created LARIDAE: A Zero-downtime, Reversible, schema migration tool for PostgreSQL with Prebuilt Integration into GitHub Action workflows

My skills include - but not limited to - Ruby, Go, JavaScript, Python, React, Node.js, Express.js, AWS infrastructure, SQL, MongoDB, problem solving, getting things done, and various other shenanigans.

  • Node.js
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • GoLang
  • React


Laridae is an open-source tool that enables reversible, zero-downtime schema migrations in PostgreSQL, synchronizing them with application code deployments for apps using ECS Fargate.

Laridae allows application instances expecting the pre-migration and post-migration schema to use the same database simultaneously without requiring code changes and without inteferring with incoming traffic.

Laridae readily integrates schema migration into a deployment pipeline hosted on GitHub Actions. Laridae Action creates AWS infrastructure inside users AWS accounts, and coordinates schema changes with code deployments.

Read Laridae's full Case Study HERE, and GitHub Repos HERE



A webhook receiver service to collect and inspect HTTP traffic sent to a generated endpoint. Utilized in webhook development and debugging.

[Node.js, Express, Tailwind CSS, CockroachDB, DigitalOcean, Ngrok]



A CRM solution tailored for appliance repair businesses with an integrated resource allocation protocol

[Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS]

Advent of code

Advent Of Code

I like solving puzzles for fun. I have successfully solve all Advent of Code puzzles for 2022 and 2023 without using any external library. I want to eventually rank in the Global Board and one day I will.

[Ruby, Javascript, Python]

my cat Garbage

Garbáge D. Sposal (Garbage)

A former stray that was picked up at the dumpster. I didn't build him, but I sure do maintain him. His judginess propels my productivity. He is by far my most precious project.

[Defensive Combat]